one, possibly two of you will no doubt be wondering about how it's all going with that thing where i claimed to get a new bed (and bedding) in order to be compliant with what i thought Barbs would deem suitable to have if one were to play any of her music on an iTwat whilst laid on a bed. i am now happy to show you how it is all going.
i respect a lot of you will be eager to know and find out but be in something of a rush, so the answer is yes, very well indeed, although i have not put Barbs on the iTwat as such as yet.
for those of you with more patience, or perhaps those who are simply more luxuriant of time, here's a look at what i speak of, as well as further thoughts and more musings.
i would like to think that the bed in itself was covered in sufficient detail as and when it was purchased and revealed here. for those wishing to know, it's holding up rather well, proving to be most suitable for sleeping upon conventionally and indeed for engaging in activities such as reading.
if we consider the bed to be it, here it is, then, with the new bedding on.
quite impressive, i feel. i very much like it, and suspect it is indeed an ideal combination of bed and bedding suitable enough to rest upon whilst listening to Barbs, be it an essential collection of hers or any particular recording.
one would imagine that Barbs, just like you, would want to see the above presented through the eyes of a Commodore 64 with scan lines switched to "on" before giving the Barbs nod of suitability. i am happy to present such an image.
quite magnificent, i tust you agree. it is entirely possible, of course, that it could be even more magnificent, but one would probably have to consult Barbs to attain that kind of state.
now, contacting Barbs, even to discuss something as important as the right bedding to have in place when listening to her music, is not something your or indeed i can do with ease. a quick google search suggests that she has people (who presumably need people) to deal with all communication matters, in particular but by no means limited to asking for Barbs' assistance in battling cancer.
the above link takes you to all sorts of insights into how Barbs does communicate with the world outside of hers; the thing where she sends messages of inspiration to your iTwat device in particular sounds most impressive. however, in regards of general bedding, and perhaps specific ideas on what sort of bed and bedding you should have, Barbs has released something to the world to direct them.
i am of course tempted to purchase it to make my home, my car and anything else Barbs can think of something that reflects the passion that Barbs has for design. well, maybe not the car, as i suspect that she probably does not mention class Tony Mowbray stickers once over the course of the 295 pages of her passion.
another part of me, however, is worried that some, maube even one, of the pages features a section where Barbs frowns upon the idea of buttons on duvet covers. this, as you can see, would cause something of a problem for me.
it's like do i want to pay US$15 for the book and another US$20 for FedEx to sort of deliver it in their loose definition of what does and does not constitute delivery and get confirmation of where Barbs stands on the button thing, or do i just use the money for something Obamacareesque (as far as she knows) and assume they meet with approval?
as for how the bed and bedding works when one listens to Barbs on the iTwat, as mentioned earlier in the brief version of all of this, i really don't know. i just have not, alas, been arsed enough to transfer that CD set over to the iTwat. i have a fair bit of stuff on already. outside of 3 or 4 songs i'm really not all that bothered about Barbs, so there is no real motivation to put the whole two compact disc set on it.
for those wanting another look at the bed and bedding in C 64 mode, only this time a landscape image, then this one is for you. no scan lines this time, i think this was taken with the other Commodore 64 camera thing, possibly with that dithering option switched to off.
if i remember the news story, and indeed the phenomenon named after it, Barbs gets quite tetchy about her address details being shown on the internet. however, some dedicated Barbs enthusiast called Michael, from the link above (in yellow), tells all that nothing is impossible, and has provided these two addresses. they have been sat on the official Barbs site forum for about 4 years now so i imagine Barbs is happy for you to contact her through these channels :
Barbra Streisand
160 West 96th Street
New York, NY 10025
160 West 96th Street
New York, NY 10025
United States of America
Barbra Streisand
c/o Martin Erlichman Associates, Inc.
5670 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90036
c/o Martin Erlichman Associates, Inc.
5670 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90036
United States of America
i quite like how she has either coast of the States covered there.
Michael reckons if you ask they will send you a 'stamped' signed photograph, which i think means some work experience kid inks a stamp of Barbs' signature, twats it onto a picture and bungs it in the post to you. sounds nice, that does - i believe i can see myself sending off for one. actually two - i am not sure which one is likely to send me it, so probably best that i write to both.
if you write to Barbs, or rather Barbs' people, and request similar, or any sort of general advice in respect of bedding, cancer or any other sort of thing that people apparently believe Barbs to be an important source of comment on, i trust you get a Barbstastic answer.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!