i am indebted to a dear friend of mine, possibly the most long-standing friend i have, for giving me the details of the most excellent site that is Propstore. as the name suggests, they sell a number of props and items of clothing from films - click on the name to see what they have, and if you have a good deal of money happy shopping!
every now and then, it seems, they have an article on the business of movie making. their most recent such article relates to a film being made in 1982, which had the working title of Blue Harvest : Horror Beyond Imagination. this title was, of course, changed to Return Of The Jedi a little later.
i do not wish to take away from the story on the site itself, which you can read by clicking here, but i must say it is ace to see some "old school", proper film making and indeed proper "sneaked off the set" pictures.
and i cannot resist putting a couple of pictures here from the article, featuring the highly celebrated yet does next to nothing character of Boba Fett!

as for my friend who forwarded the link, well, we have known each other since - get this - the seventies (!), and as he does not like internet references all i can really do for you is say thank you very much indeed, Mr Demonix.

i hope you have found these two pictures to be as excellent as i have, and indeed i trust you will enjoy the fine art of proper film making on display in the full article on the link provided!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!