Monday, November 07, 2011

swimming (and filtering i think) at South Fork

hi there

well, if Saturday was busy, it was not a patch on Sunday! we had a "scheduled" power cut for the majority of the day, so off we went to vist relatives living within the same dialing code area as us (sorry, Richard, Erika, Lyla and Ruby-Lee).

in terms of logistics, and as you will see later getting the maximum benefit from spending a fortune at KFC, we started off at South Fork. the boys were very keen to see the returning Grandad, as indeed were Michele and i.

James, and this shall be no surprise, was also very keen to show off his swimming skills once more!

he really seems to have the hang of it now, and goes billy-ho around the pool! nice one!

if the picture above, and indeed the ones that follow, look a bit "different", well that would be because Grandad took them. i think he's doing his "filtering" thing to them once again. i am not sure, he mentioned something about a different lens, but i was not paying as much attention as i perhaps could have. oh well.

now then, if William looks like he he has a sense of anticipating wonder about him, the next picture should explain why.

erm, yes. as far as we can work out, William had somehow got it into his head that if he emptied a bottle of strawberry milkshake into the pool then the whole pool would become one big massive strawberry milkshake. at this stage we can only guess that he has based this theory on how the whole floor turns into the same when he drops a bottle at home!

more pictures from South Fork and beyond over the next couple of days!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!