Wednesday, March 09, 2016

now that you mention it

g'day bruces and shielas

i got, look you see, a most delightful email from amazon today. they had a recommendation for me, which you can see in the below.

it's a suggestion that i might quite like to have a listen to a record called Live At Leeds by The Who. now that amazon has suggested this, in their infinite wisdom, i may well just do that.

meanwhile, i have just checked and, at time of going to press with this post, a staggering 2598 people have read the blog post what i did back in 2011 (wow, 5 years man) on the subject of Live At Leeds. i can only hope those who have read it got some value off of what i wrote.

i am very much looking forward to seeing what amazon says i might like next.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!