Sunday, April 27, 2014

Noasis for Glasto, then

hi there

well, that would seem to be that, then. over on NME Emily Eavis is reported as saying that Oasis are not playing the Glastonbury 2014 festival. presumably Noel believes that the big pile of money he currently has is quite sastifactory and thus he has no need for any sort of 20th anniversary reunion cash-in.

the mind boggles, then, at just what act will be announced in May 2014. why exactly contractual obligations and secrecy surround the naming of the act will be interesting to see. i mean, keeping it secret if it was Oasis makes sense, if it is any other act, less so.

for many, really, whoever gets announced is going to be a disappointment and a letdown with the news that it isn't Oasis. going on previous years, it would not be a surprise if the Eavis family simply continued their obsession with Coldplay and just booked them again.

or maybe Jedward have been booked and they are waiting for all tickets to be sold before saying.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!