Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oasis at Glastonbury 2014? or Liam vanity?

hi there

well this is interesting. techno boffin and one of the last rock stars standing took to that twitter thing today to send this message letter by letter

O A S I S  L G

got something on your mind or that you want to say, Liam?

it will be quite class if the "LG" stands for Live Glastonbury as i suggested in my wild guess post on the subject. however, with this being Liam, methinks that LG simply stands for Liam Gallagher.

as Liam loves the band and the music and Noel really, really loves the money he could make off of an Oasis get tothether, one off or otherwise, it will happen one day. this year? who knows.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!