Monday, December 05, 2011

scenes of celebration at South Fork

Hi everyone

well, with William's birthday falling rather close to the weekend (some are of the school of thought that it was of a day that should be spoken of as part of the weekend), the usual weekend trip to South Fork turned into further celebrations for the young man. and why not!

it was a particularly excellent time to have such celebrations, for fate had it that Richard, Erika, Lyla and Ruby-Lee were in town too, making having a party for William all the more wise an idea.

more celebrations meant, amongst other things, more cake. this is always a winner!

nice to see Grandad, as usual of course, smiling away there. just how good a day was it? well, if my memory serves correct, not once did i hear him single out a particular grandchild as a favourite simply because they were quiet, and nor did he threaten to impose on any of them a thrashing or other slipper based problem resolution. a first, really, and yes - that good a day!

birthday cake also means birthday candles, and as you can see James was right at the forefront of being ready to "help" William blow them all out!

i think the candles were lit, blown out and lit again a dozen or so times, really! we also managed to avoid William having any chance of getting hold of so much as one candle and eating it, as he was so keen to do last week.

Richard enthusiasts shall no doubt have noted that Richard appears in the above picture. earlier in the day, it seems, he bumped into my chum Spiros. the two of them apparently sought to purchase me either a tin of shandy or a BabyCham, but alas could not find one. oh well, chaps, it is the thought that counts, and i am sure all in the store were impressed with two men running around looking for those particular drinks.

moving on, and of course there were more generous gifts for William. he was rather fortunate to have both James and Lyla on hand to "help" him open presents this time around, but it seems they were not required!

the look on Michele's face should tell you with just what passion and force William was ripping apart the wrapping paper!

after all that, there was an awful lot of running about and swimming to be done by everyone. well, not quit everyone - for the most part Ruby-Lee decided to just have a nice sit down and enjoy watching the wildlife!

very wise!

now then, as children the three of us probably loved nothing more than wandering around the land of Scotta House at our Grandma and Gramps, having pretty much the run of the land. James and William, as well as Ruby-Lee and Lyla, do tend to see and treat South Fork much the same way, which is excellent. South Fork, of course, does not quite have the high level of extremely dangerous farming equipment on which they could injure themselves, but now that i have mentioned it i am sure Grandad will sort out a combine harvester or something.

here is William, then, showing me something that has taken his interest - most likely an item he wanted to take ownership of and hit things/people with!

my apologies for my appearance here, i know i have a face for text-based updates. ho hum, at the least you can see my new glasses frames once again!

however, for good measure, here's an image of me without those new glasses!

James, aided by that class swimming suit, has really taken quite a shine to swimming, which is fantastic. he is not at all keen on getting any water in his mouth, mind, so going underwater is something he's not prepared to try. no bad thing, really, as it also means he's in no rush to try either diving or "bombing"!

Lyla is proving to be just as good a swimmer, and thus off the two go, having all sorts of fun!

i think their main game at the moment is pretending there's a shark attack and seeing just how fast they can swim away from Jaws! they also tend to throw balls in and around the pool, sending each other off to fetch them.

as for young William, well, he thinks he can swim just the same as James can, but alas he cannot really. i did however stick him in one of those inflatable hoop things, and off he went!

as soon as he was in it, right, he was away with the mixer. he clocked that he couldn't actually sink whist inside it unless he really tried to do that, and thus he pushed me away and wanted to paddle about on his own! i did my best to keep a safe distance in case of an emergency of course!

last but not least, of course, would be Marmite. no set of images from South Fork would be complete without her popping up! here she is, if i am not mistaken, trying to grab some sort of chlorine distributor and/or temperature gauge in the shape of a frog (or similar), as well as attempting to drink all of the water out of the pool!

well, that's a fragment of what the weekend was like - mostly excellent, it has to be said! there are a few more pictures to put up here, but not sure when. this week is looking a trifle busy, but i will do my best to update eventually!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!