well, sort of hot on the heels of William's birthday celebrations comes the time to celebrate another year gone for James!
we asked him what he would like on his birthday cake, and unsurprisingly it involved Star Wars. a little surprisingly, perhaps, was the fact that he described in precise and exact detail exactly which characters from a long time ago far, far away were to appear on the cake and where exactly they should be.
Grandma happily arranged for such a cake to be produced!

what is interesting about the description James gave of who should appear where on the cake was that it was an excellent, exact description of the Episode III poster which is on the wall of my study. that would be the study that James isn't supposed to go in to!

James took the cake into school, and with some luck some pictures shall turn up sooner or later. in the mean time, though, i am informed that the cake was well taken to and everyone enjoyed it. unlike William's one i believe some of it actually made it home with James, but Mummy got her hands on it before i did!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!