Monday, December 19, 2011

from the blueberry of Spiros

hey everyone

well, whereas it's getting to the holiday season, if we are not in it already, some of us are still ploughing away at verk. it's a little bit quiet compared to the usual non-holiday season (go figure), which is allowing my good chum Spiros to pursue some of his interests on his travels. thankfully he has one of them blueberry phones, so he can keep me updated with images and news.

when people think of my chum Spiros they tend to, with some immediacy it has to be said, think "Turkish Bath House". as he is exceptionally familiar, and indeed some may say rather intimate with, the closest Turkish Bath to his premises, he is frequently cruising around looking for new ones. it is a happy day today, then, as he has found one rather close - by sheer co-incidence - to the place where he's currently working.

the Seventies font used for the name of the building is class! the sign post next to it is, according to Spiros, some rather handy directions for a nearby clinic. i think it's fairly safe to say where my chum Spiros shall be spending his lunch break for the next few days.

Spiros, of course, maintains that the best Turkish Bath experience is to be found at Hotel Jason in Greece. this has always been quite strange, considering the Turks and the Greeks are not known for getting along all that well, but Spiros says it's the one place where ideas that unite the two fine nations exist in harmony. a dream Spiros has involves revisiting Hotel Jason, only taking his good friend and fellow bath house enthusiast Farouk with him.

cheers for the pic, Spiros!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!