Monday, December 12, 2011

New Zealand Christmas Tree

hey everyone

last year, you may recall, Gillian had an excellent idea where the family, spread around corners of the world, all sent each other pictures of their Christmas tree. easy enough to do, you would have thought, with this digital camera and email business. one can even take a pic on their blueberry or iTwit device and send it soon enough. sadly, however, not many did it.

we are trying again this year! i have already shown off ours, and Gillian has now kindly sent on a look at how an Auckland based tree turns out!

very smart indeed! not quite as random with the decorations as ours, i note!

now then, how does that song go? "all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth" or something? ah yes, so it does - thanks for the reminder, Katie!

Daniel looks sort of impressed with the tree too, but one suspects that he would be a good deal more impressed if there were some presents around it. in particular with his name on!

thanks for the pictures, Gillian! should anyone else send on images, i shall be sure to put them here!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!