Monday, May 26, 2014


hello there

well, Monday here. as it was everywhere that uses the same calendar, i suppose. it was a holiday here too, which was the perfect reason to celebrate the very being of my (considerably) better half with some gifts.

i would suspect that some of you might be interested in seeing what such gifts i opted to get, so here you go, with the minimal of waffle and words from me.

yeah, that is a cheese grater in the shape of one of them electric guitar things. yes that has been the most popular of the gifts, and yes indeed it was the cheapest. it always works out that way, for some reason.

oh, i also got her this. it is one of them characters off of that Game Of Thrones thing, this one being her particular favourite of them. well, favourite that is still alive.

i am not 100% sure what her actual name is, but when we are watching it, right, i just call her Mrs Mongo, Queen Of The Beast Men. because that is what she is, as well as being mother to some dragons. dragons. as it happens, that really do not like goats much.

her actual name is something like Dandelion Tachomachi or something, but it does not really matter as whatever it is i call her is much better.

them collectors and that like to see all sorts of details and things, so here you go, on me, here is the back of the box for her.

is she one of my favourite characters? she is ok, i suppose. there was a fair period when she kept taking all her clothes off, which was nice, but these days she seems to just mooch around in some blue outfit thing, being a Queen and doing whatever the hell it is a Queen does.

the dragons are pretty smart, like. oddly, we watched something called Age Of The Dragons last night, which she was not in, but Danny Glover and Vinnie Jones were. review to follow "eventually".

yes, i agree, probably time to have a close up look at that baby dragon keyring i got for my (considerably) better half. not Game Of Thrones relates so far as i am aware, but same thing.

but most of you might probably want to have another look at that Game Of Thrones one, so here you go, one more picture.

and no, she probably never will take it out of the box.

oh look, there's her proper name on the box, if you are all that interested or bothered. must be a nightmare to get that done on credit cards, or to spell it out over the phone to someone. especially if you were on the phone, right, to a sub-saharan based financial institution that are not all that brilliant at getting names right when they are written down in front of them.

anyway, we could not have a day of all just sitting at a box with a statue of Daenerys Targaryen, or whoever in it. it was lovely and sunny, so off to Whitby we went.

most, if not all, of Yorkshire had the same idea. the place was packed. actually it was not only people from Yorkshire, for on my travels i heard at least one Cockney accent and one Scouse accent.

the basics of this, then, are that i did not take all that many pictures, but here you go with what i did.

that is indeed William on one of them ride things he likes so much. this one was particularly impressive as it was, for some reason, free. there were no lights on so i said to William it probably wasn't working. i pressed the button to say "look" in respect of it not working, and off it went, so on he got and away he went!

also no we did not go up to the Abbey on this trip, but you can see it in the background of this picture.

yes we did indeed walk through them Whale bone things, but no i did not take a picture. it's something of a steep drop down thereafter, look you see, so i thought it prudent to keep an eye on the boys as they went through them.

on our travels i was delighted to find one of them etch-a-sketch machines. the last time i found one young William was still very much in Mummy's tummy, so it was ace to get an update.

yeah, this is a pic of it taken off the blackberry; i will do a proper scan and that eventually.

quite a job to get parts of all four of us in, as you can probably work out all by yourself, but we are all happy with it.

anyway, the next time i thought to take pictures, right, was when we were on the way back to Bessie, our chariot of choice that we command on the roads. whoops, sorry for that. i should probably have taken pics of my (considerably) better half going around the Dracula Experience thing with James, or of James and William in the class fun house thing we found. but didn't. sorry, too busy having fun.

also yes we did go on them 2p waterfall / cascade things, but didn't win anything of consequence.

we also spent a good 30 minutes or so touring the car parks of Whitby, eventually finding a spot behind some sort of health and fitness club. i think next time we shall certainly go via train, or go a good deal earlier in the morning.

there is a smart new park and ride thing there, just outside of Whitby. however, it looked like it would take you about 30mins to park and pay for it, and then there was the matter of the not quite built for speed buses taking people to and from Whitby. so that looks like it might be a good idea gone wrong. oh dear.

yeah, that's Sid or something, off of them Ice Age films. James won him by throwing hoops on some pegs. nice work, that was, to do that.

no we did not, alas, have any famous or celebrated Whitby cod & chips. as per mentions and suggestions thus far, the place was heaving, man. every fish and chip place had the most formidable of queues in front of it; an unwise thing to attempt with children in tow. we just had some less than celebrated hot dogs to keep us going, then, and that nice bloke Jonno sorted us out with some when we got home.

on the way back we drove past the bed & breakfast that has Dracula in the drive. i thought that for some reason you may want to see a picture of it, taken from Bessie, so here you go.

right, you will have to excuse me, i am knackered and tired, and it is verk tomorrow. bed and i shall meet soon, i hope.

i hope that whatever you did today was ace!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!