Saturday, May 03, 2014

blended makes everything all better

hi there

well, this blog post might well be (more) broken (than usual) due to my imminent, or at least at some point, visit to the James Cook University Hospital thing. indeed, again with my Aunt. no, not that one, the other one. indeed it is sort of becoming one of them "Saturday things", but no matter.

regular readers will be aware of my interest in getting shampoo that has lemon shoved in it, like what Jason Donovan advocates, and my fascination with the recent arrival on the market of blended shampoo products. huzzah, or however you may spell it, here be the two of them on the shelf.

it is not Timotei, as i wanted, but no matter. i imagine the chaps at Garnier who made this had one of the corporate cocktail, or if you like cock tale, things to celebrate the successful launch of their impressive new range of blended shampoo stuff, and indeed the all important conditioner part. not that i use the conditioner element - to my knowledge and memory, the esteemed Jason Donovan never spoke of conditioner.

i always took it as a given that the lemon element of the shampoo that he advocated was a replacement of sorts for the need of conditioner, really. no idea if that is in fact the case.

the pricing as you see there is not all that bad, especially as it has the lemon in it that i crave. i do prefer the cheaper, more modest price sort of shampoo (even when it is rubbish, as per my post from earlier this year, Feb maybe, i am not linking it again), but want wins over preference, and i want that lemon.

and so the season ends with Boro delivering a 4-1 away win at a side long ago relegated. bravo boys, but mostly ace for the many fans - over a thousand - who made a close to 700 mile round trip to go and see.

with thanks to Sky Sports

the play-offs look interesting. Derby vs Brighton sounds like a battle of two weaker sides, but the table does not lie. ace if the Derby get back into the Premier League. if i recall right, the last time they were there they recorded a whopping 9 points for the season, 4 of which were taken off of Newcastle. so bonus if they do that again.

i would say winner of QPR vs Wigan is the likely winner of the play-off final, really. two very strong sides there, and one would suspect that QPR's financial status means they really, really need to get promoted. Boro will return to the Premier League as and when they feel a need to, i hope.

what benefit, exactly, does one get from having lemon in shampoo? the same as having blended shampoo, really. i just do not have a clue. but i have both now.

always splendid, it is, look you see, when a random surprise turns out to be what you hoped it would be. they were selling off some Star Wars "mystery eggs" in the same place where i got the blended shampoo (far be it from me to namedrop Tesco). it listed six or seven different characters you could have got, and look who i got

yes, Boba Fett. a smart keyring, some stickers and a tattoo that will no doubt look very impressive on me or whoever wears it.

actually, i didn't get Boba Fett, he was in the one my (considerably) better half got. but she kindly swapped. what one did i / she get? later on, revealed it shall be.

meanwhile, i note with interest that one cannot change the country of their PayPal account. if you move country, tough, you have to close down your existing one and open a new one. makes some sort of sense from security and that, people as they are prone to trying to move money around in less than legal ways, but a pain. i wonder if one can still however use the same acc name. i will find out.

in the mean time, to evoke Dickens, it would look like being the best of times and the worst of times for my Dad specifically, more the worst of them for love bead toothpaste fans generally. the best of times for him is that i am informed the tubes of toothpaste that has love beads shoved in it has arrived in his part of the world, much to his delight.

the worst of times is, alas, the future of international lovebead toothpaste smuggling looking rather bleak. bleak, that is, in terms of cost. have a look-see, look you see.

yes, that is a higher price. that is a 29p increase on the two tubes i bought two or so weeks ago. a frightening level of inflation that is. i am sure my Dad will skip past any concerns i have here about how much exactly i am expected to spend on buying it and sending it, but let us hope that he and some of the readers here have taken to writing to Colgate and begging, demanding or insisting that they start selling the stuff to New Zealand. or simply appoint my Dad as a "goodwill ambassador" for his services to promoting lovebead toothpaste to as many people as he can.

i did not buy any of the lovebead toothpaste today, as it happens. i did however buy some of the one that Colgate does that they shove the crystals, rather than beads, into. why? because it was cheaper. cheaper than any other toothpaste on the shelf, as it happens, for it was on one of them "special" thing.

a selection, if you will, or possibly just plain highlights, of my shopping conquests from the day today. some of you, i am aware, have an interest in what things, shiny or otherwise, are available for the consumer, indeed the purchaser. so here you go.

yes, quite a varied basket, although that does not reflect all the items; just the ones near the blended shampoo. that is indeed "pro" deodorant too. i don't know, pro deo, ultimate blended shampoo - i am becoming quite the slave of fashion and grooming in my old age. next, no doubt, i will be purchasing red shoes.

meanwhile, over the last week i have taken to the idea of a book at bus time. the ladies at the library very kindly sold me a range of paperbacks at 50p each. it has thus far been rather pleasant reading as the bus driver meanders around as many areas as he can to fluff up the time it takes to travel 12 or so miles, with time and distance falling away as i read.

a full(ish) review of the first one that i read, Ford County Stories by him that does the law books and that, will follow soon. in the mean time, these days i am reading this one.

quite good it is so far. and i am sure it looks really quite class and impressive to all my fellow passengers as i sit and read.

i note quite a few others read on the bus too. well, those not fiddling with phones and them pad things as the journey goes on. i cannot really be pestered taking technology onto a bus, my 50p books provide for all the needs that i have.

anyway, that would be about it. hopefully i shall have reason to use the blended shampoo soon and tell you all about it. i think there's about half of the other bottle i have - not featuring lemon - to go yet.

before i go, though, the other Star Wars keyring thing, then.

yes. a Han Solo one. very smart, and i would have been happy enough with it, but obviously i am delighted to have Boba Fett.

right, that will do for now and, indeedy, will have to do until i have mended the blueberry phone camera whine thing. it assures me, at this moment in time, that it has space alone for no more, but possibly less, than two further pictures. i will hoy it into the computer and do backups and that, then.

right, many thanks for reading, and nice one if for some reason any of the above was of any interest or use to you at all!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!