not the most exciting update here for most of you, although i hope one regular reader shall be very pleased to see this.
i have, on the basis of an impulse purchase for someone who i thought might quite like something, but together what can only be described as a mega-parcel. actually, that's dishonest, as one could put together a bigger parcel than this. it is, however, the largest parcel i have created for a while.
anyway, here is the parcel that i have created, or put together if you prefer.
what's in it and who is it for? i am not, alas, in a position to say. it would be jolly nice if the person getting this lets me know it arrived and sends a picture or two, though. not that they have a particularly good track record at sending pictures. you never know, they might this time.
if you are off for an adventure with the postal system soon i can only hope and trust that it is a triumph. i do most certainly hope mine is later on with this package!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!