hi there
some truly fantastic news has come along in the shape of the much anticipated Made Of Stone film is released on DVD and Blu Ray on 21 October 2013. i kind of wish it was 21 June 2013, but never mind, the reunion took long enough to happen i suppose!
yes, kids, you read that right. it's a 2 disc Blu Ray set. this means that you will have, in theory, 100 GIGABYTES OF THE STONE ROSES to enjoy. it is for this kind of thing that scientists and that bothered to invent new technology.
what do those 100 Gigabytes contain? who knows, for at the moment, as you can see in the below close-up, they are keeping the extra features a secret at the moment!
you can pre-order the Blu Ray set from amazon for £13.88 or if you prefer the 2 DVD set for £12.98. there's also a 1 DVD version available for £11.50. the 1 disc version has a black cover instead of the red one shown here.
yes, if funds permit, i will be purchasing all three variations of it. and so should you.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!