Monday, June 10, 2013

Heaton Park, they are coming

hi there

well no, not yet are they coming, but do bear with me.

i can barely believe that it's nearly the 1st anniversary of that magical Heaton Park weekend in the presence of The Stone Roses. wow. glad to see they've kept the vibe going, and i believe Finsbury Park this last weekend was a major triumph. people who went got to hear Elephant Stone, no less!

the only casualty from our day and night at Heaton Park was, really, my beloved boots. they were not, to use a phrase that i first heard spoken by Snake Plissken in that magnificent film Tango & Cash,  exactly FUBAR, but they were not really worth wrestling with to both clean and somehow force into overpacked suitcases.

i left those boots with Andrew, my Modern Music Advisor. i believe he had every intention of holding a ceremonial burning of them. did that happen? no idea, i am guessing not since i never got any pictures of such an event. no, i have no idea why one would have a ceremonial burning of boots either, but i trust him to know what he's doing.

nearly a year later, then, and a chance encounter with a shoe store led to my discovery and purchase of these.

yes, indeed, i did have a big, fond smile on my face when i saw them. it was like some sort of strange destiny, i suppose, as they were the only size 13 footwear in the whole store. of course i bought them straight away, hence the picture.

it is peculiar, as they sit here with me for the first time, that already i contemplate their demise. i believe they must, like their predecessor or predecessors (Schwirl shall no doubt tell me the right one), go out after a crowning moment of glory at Heaton Park.

i think realistically i can get 12 - 18 months wear out of these somewhat expensive boots, however. i would then like to ask The Stone Roses not to organize another Heaton Park event until, shall we say late September, early October 2014? i will be there in these boots if that's the case! cheers in advance, lads.

and yes, the title is a sign i am listening to Led Zeppelin at the moment. hence the bastardized variant on the lyrics of Immigrant Song. well done if you spotted it before reading this.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!