Friday, September 27, 2013

The Stone Roses Made Of Stone - extras revealed

hi there

well, we are about three weeks away from the celebrated Made Of Stone documentary being available on blu ray and DVD, and so today the extras coming with the set have been revealed.

the 3 disc "steelbook" looks like the way to go, with an incredible, fan friendly price of £15.65 over on amazon.

if the above picture is not clear enough in respect of the content, here with thanks to the Stone Roses Made Of Stone facebook page are the details :

Audio Commentary with Shane Meadows (director) and Mark Herbert (producer)
Additional Performances (Rehearsal, Warrington Gig & Fan Footage Highlights of Spike Island ‘90)
Behind the Scenes - Warrington Parr Hall
Locating the Rehearsal Venue
Shane's Hallelujah Moment
Manchester Premiere
Channel 4 News Piece
Interview with Fans
Fan Phone Footage
Stoned love: Tour Montage

that's quite impressive!

whilst you are waiting for this set to be released, please go right ahead to sign my petition about getting The Stone Roses to do a cover of a classic Harry Nilsson song. go on, it would be ace!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!