Friday, May 25, 2012

Zama's birthday

hi there

well, for some reason news of Zama and his exploits tend to be popular here. to feed such an interest, what better time for a Zama update than the most happy day on which he celebrates his birthday?

he is just as popular with us at verk as he is with you readers, so it was indeed a time to stop and congratulate him, wishing him many more such days.

yes, alas, the pictures were taken on my low grade blueberry thing. sorry about that!

as one of the more popular Zama updates here featured my ace new mug from New Zealand with the Where's Zama? game on it, i thought it might be a good idea to try and sort of recreate that as best i can. to that end, here is Zama with my personal photographer, Trigger.

and if, for some obscure reason, you wish to see an image of your humble narrator in the presence of Zama, well then here you go!

nice one, i have no doubt that Zama will enagage in some sort of celebrations this evening, and i certainly hope you all have a most excellent weekend!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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