Friday, September 18, 2009

need a new lead singer, Noel? look no more.....

hey everyone

the recent departure of Noel Gallagher from Oasis has taken up enough newspaper space as it is. once they clock that they are not as talented as certain other groups were to go their own ways and still be a success they will get back together. in the mean time, as good as his voice is, Noel might just be looking for a new singer.

if he's in the market for one, look no further, as my Mum seems to foot the bill. as far as one can ascertain from a strictly visual history of Noel's choice of singer, the number one requirement would be to make an offensive hand gesture any time a camera is pointed at them. Mum seems to be getting a spot of practice in for just this important task....

it's not quite as simple as just making hand gestures, though, is it? every now and then one has to wear a pair of excellent rock and roll style shades as they do it. yep, Mum's got that covered too!

Fred also seems more than competent to take over the front man job, doubly so as he's making an offensive hand gesture and giving a profound comment on what the boys, mostly Liam granted, are behaving like a bunch of at present.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!! and remember, if wave at cameras and play guitars instead of smashing them, the world is a better place......