regular readers shall be all too familiar in regards of this, since i think i have made a point of mentioning this on this date every year!
rather than the usual memories, here are two new-ish Frankie things for your consideration. first up, many thanks indeed to Lex for either making or just finding this one!

you may wish to consider clicking on the above pic to make it a little bit bigger. that's a map for the most excellent Frankie Goes To Hollywood game for the Commodore 64! i have had the game since it came out, and not once have i ever been able to complete it - perhaps armed with this i should give it another try!
beyond that, many thanks indeed to Stef for sharing this link - a new site (of sorts) called Into Frankie. click on the name there and be whisked away to a site of wonder!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!