Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jonny Guitar Live - 29 Jan 2012

hey everyone

well, what can i say - a week to go until we get another excellent gig via Stage It. the vastly talented Jonathan Granville will be online again doing another show. he will be performing on the evening of Sunday 29 January 2012, details available
by clicking right here.

i am not really in the business of giving praise where it is not deserved. if he was rubbish i would simply have denied ever knowing him and "defriended him". as it happens, i am fortunate to know him as it has meant i've got to hear some outstanding guitar and indeed a fair few of the best lyrics i've ever had the pleasure of.

to get to the gig is really simple. you just need to go to StageIt and login, either with an account for the site or with your facebook details. you need to purchase a minimum of US$5 worth of tickets, and those you can use at any show they have on. you can then use as many or as few as you like for Jonathan's show, which you can access via this link.

it shall be 30 minutes of your life that you shall not regret, well worth the time of any music fan.

if for some reason you fear that the show will not be Rock and Roll enough for you, observe if you will the below picture.

i really look forward to chatting to a few of you online at the gig as we listen to some outstanding tunes!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!