Friday, December 04, 2015


hey there

well, look you see, another post featuring a substantial percentage of the 75% of my family you all actually like in preference to me!

today was the day of the wearing of Christmas jumpers at school. apparently this now exists as a "tradition", with people saying that it was "always" the case that on one friday close to December 25th you wore a Christmas themed jumper. not as far as i recall was this ever the case, but more of that in a bit

in the mean time, a picture of the boys in the smart Christmas jumpers what i procured for them to wear for this extra special day.

quite smart, i trust you agree. and yeah, sorry for the low quality image; the only thing i had to hand with a camera welded on it was my blueberry.

now, then, this business of Christmas jumpers being a "tradition". from my memory they kind of were, but not in a good way. a Christmas jumper was something you purchased for the least preferred member of a family and dumped it on them back in the 80s. which makes it strange that i never got one. at some stage, then, someone must have decided they were in fact smart, hence the current tradition.

well, there you go - if you are wearing a Christmas jumper as you read this, so much the better.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!