hi there
well, alas, these are the last of the proper pictures from our trip to England. the batteries for the camera packed up on our most excellent trip to York and, quite frankly, i just did not get around to charging them up. sorry, but for the rest we had an excellent time, and whilst i do not have the thousands of pictures that my Dad would take, i think i got enough!
after our encounter with the Stormtrooper and an absolutely ace tour of the Jorvik Viking Centre (sorry, no cameras were allowed inside) it was off to one of York's many attractions, the Railway Museum. sensationally, it offers free entry for all, which makes it all the more worthwhile to go.
James thought the place was most excellent, to be honest. even if the batteries on the camera had not been exhausted i would not have had that many pictures, so keen was he to run around and see everything. here, for instance, he is on what i am assured is a cast iron footbridge.
and if for some reason you doubt the veracity of the assurances i got in the statement above, well then may your mind be at ease with a look at the next picture!
as for why, as Michele asked, the Rail Museum was specifically in York, well once upon a time it was the centrepoint for this important service. York was and to an extent still is to trains what Liverpool and Manchester are to the canals in England, if that makes sense. there are probably several websites out there that give a better description than that, but hope this helps!
one of the more important functions of the rail service in England, or the UK as a whole for that matter, is the delivery of mail. as a consequence, the Royal Mail services has quite a display at the Railway Museum, the most excellent part of which is a mail sorting game.
if Christopher and William quite liked it, then it is the case that James would have loved to have spent a week playing it. the jist of it is a whole load of letters are given to you, and you have to sort them into the correct box on the basis of the city they are going to before the timer runs out.
a simple yet addictive and fun game, James discovered! it was rather difficult to get him away from it, to be honest!
the temptation of going over the cast iron bridge once more, however, did the trick in breaking the spell cast by the mail sorting game, and off he happily went over it again!
an excellent bonus is that Colin and Angela feature in this final (proper) photograph, as it allows me to thank them once more, on behalf of all of us, for there exceptional hospitality and generosity. thank you, you made our holiday all the more brilliant!
oh hang on, there's sort of two more close to proper pictures, and then any others shall be from the magic of my blueberry thing.
in the mean time, then,
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!