Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Plan B - Ill Manors

hi there

a quick break from holiday photos for the more regular reader!

my official MMA, Modern Music Advisor, Andrew, has informed me that Plan B has a new album out next week. it's called Ill Manors, or if you will iLL MANORS in his rather shouty style. i am led to believe that it is the soundtrack for a film that Plan, or since i do not know him personally Mr B, has due for release quite soon.

my MMA, Andrew, has further advised me that i should purchase this album with no hesitation. depending on the state of finances, i might just do that.

my apologies to those who have chanced or stumbled upon this post in the hope of finding an illicit, illegal download - go buy it!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!