hi there
oh go on then, one more about the Stone Roses at Heaton park, but only as it seems Cressa, the 5th Stone Rose, was there on Sunday with us!
Cressa has kindly given the NME further grounds to speak of The Stone Roses by issuing his statement about Sunday at Heaton Park. basically it would seem he liked it as much as everyone else there! my chums at verk and beyond do not regularly read the NME, so for their benefit if you are at all interested please click on the prior writing in red for a bit of a rundown on the gig we were at.
should there be any questions arising from the above, the answer is very much oh yes indeed, they did every song that i could possibly have hoped for, consulting the set list. well, Tightrope would have been nice, but hearing the whole (!) of the debut album? plus Where Angels Play? i was covered and sorted, thank you.
the latest edition of NME, to give them a plug as i have pinched their pictures, is truly worth getting. they have a massive load of pictures and reviews, if the latter is somewhat questionable. they seem to be really excited about Beady Eye doing Oasis numbers, which is fair enough - if it means they are as a publication now bored and tired with Noel "rock and roll rocking chair and soul free style versions of Oasis" Gallagher, well then so much the better. and they are a trifle mean and unfair on Dirty North, who sounded bangin' and well on form on the day.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!