Wednesday, May 17, 2017

the oversized or if you like large Nevada t-shirt of my dreams

hey y'all

i wouldn't describe myself as the most ambitious person in the world. that said, a life without some form of aim, hope or purpose is no life at all. one really, look you see, needs to set targets to hit in life in order to keep a sense of it all going along for some reason. it matters not how slight, modest or small those targets are.

as many of you who are regular readers here will hardly need me to say a long-standing ambition of mine has been to obtain a t-shirt which both celebrates Nevada and is somewhat oversized in terms of how it fits me. it is with nothing but joy and pride that i tell you this target has now been hit.

yes, there it is - still with the tag on. absolutely magnificent, isn't it? an added bonus is it's exactly the right shade of colour that i always wanted it to be in, too.

now, some of you might be struggling to recall the times exactly when, over the last 12 or so years and some 4,000 posts i have done (!), i mentioned that i had long held a dream of a Nevada branded t-shirt. the more cynical might even suggest that i have never shared such a dream, and that the only reason i now own this t-shirt was that it was going for a bargain price of £6. shame on you, i say, if you are in the latter group.

for your enhanced or if you like optimised viewing pleasure, yes, there above is my smart new Nevada t-shirt in Commodore 64 mode. with, but of course, the scan lines on.

i mean sure, yes, in fairness i might never have explicitly stated "i have a dream and that dream is to own a Nevada branded t-shirt which is loose and baggy in terms of size", to be sure. that doesn't mean i haven't gestured towards this in a decidedly tacit way, which i have. plus, the low price of it was an absolute bonus.

well, thank you for sharing my making the dream real. hopefully you agree that this is a most splendid t-shirt with Nevada celebrated on it, otherwise this will all have been something of a waste of your time in reading. if so, sorry for that.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!