Thursday, August 20, 2015

not reading The Winter Of Frankie Machine right now, then

hi there

this post here, look you see, is pretty much one for you to ignore. i'm doing this one as some sort of reminder for myself, on the off chance that i ever go back and read my blog for, well, a reminder. fat chance, i know, as i don't even bother to do the most rudimentary of proof read stuff before i whack that publish button.

if you are still reading, regular readers will be aware that i was quite excited to have a gander at the novel The Winter Of Frankie Machine by someone called Don Winslow. my interest was piqued, so to speak, when it was revealed that him who did French Connection is going to direct it, after the film failed to be made by him who did The Departed and him who did Heat. weirdly, those last two both had De Niro down to star, presumably as the title character.

my interest saw me place an order for the novel, despite me no longer being able to sit, read and enjoy books on the bus. 14 days later, however, and the book has not landed, and the person i ordered it from was so fast in getting a refund to me that i suspect it was never even sent in the first place. hey ho.

i have heard that this is something of a trick some do on amazon marketplace and ebay. they list an item in a relatively cheap form, "sell it", but don't ship it on the off chance that they can command more coins of money in the mean time. one can only assume, if this is true, that the genius of the plan lies in either the person who ordered it originally not bothering to ask where it is, or simply shoving a refund the way of the person who does ask where exactly their item is.

i am assuming there has been a surge in interest in the book in the light of the film version. whereas when i placed my order for the novel you could get quite a few copies for south of £3, now you can only find them for distinctly north of that. as point of fact, someone was now trying to sell a copy of the paperback for £189, and no, there is no decimal point missing.

hey ho. as was the case with Child 44, i shall wait for the inevitable "film tie-in cover" version of the book to be published, and purchase it as either part of a "buy one get one half price" deal at WH Smith, or just a flat half price at the cigarette counter at Morrisons.

annoyed? for sure. it actually sounds like a really, really good novel. it can wait, if nothing else i found yet another "if you liked The Da Vinci Code" book at the Pound Shop earlier today.

right, let's see if i ever remember to visit this post and get reminded to look for the book at a later stage.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!