hi there
today i thought it would be a jolly good idea to beautify a standard sized enveloped with an image of Barbs. my idea was thwarted, however, as i could not find a suitable .png image of Barbs, or a more conventional file form image of Barbs against a white background. anything else would just look silly on an envelope.
i opted, then, to go with that which i should have done in the first place, i suppose. yes, i have put an image of The King, Elvis Presley, on an envelope. there were loads of images that would have looked quite class, but i must say i was very happy indeed with the one i selected.
sorry that the picture quality is not too great, i only thought to take an image moments before i posted it. i would like to think how class it is comes through the limitations of the blueberry camera, though.
there probably was, once upon a time, images of Barbs, but google reckoned loads had been taken off of the internets due to some sort of copyright thing. as i have mentioned before, Ms Streisand does not care much for the internet.
as for putting images on envelopes, well why not? the post offices of the world allow for logos and that to be put on envelopes, so long as they are limited to the bottom left corner. as the technology exists to do just this, why would you not do it?
meanwhile, you may recall i believed myself to be finished with images of myself reflected in mirrors. i have been informed that this is not the case, as quite a few people like them. this seems to be particularly true in respect of one anonymous fan called Stevie.
for Stevie and everyone else, then, here you go.
yes, indeed i am wearing the Ray Bans ones. it's quite a sunny day, but i could not be bothered to put the Sex Panther ones that go darker in the sun on. i am assuming that fans of these pictures are considerably more interested in the spectacle frames than they are of the limited view of me.
Stevie also requested some more Commodore 64 camera action, but i did not have the iTwat with me earlier today. i shall try my best to accomodate this wish, though, and upload some C64 style pictures soon.
in the mean time, one more mirror thing for you all.
if you go off from this and decide to beautify your envelopes with images, best of luck. remember, they do not always have to be positive or nice images. i would not advise you to put anything obscene or offensive on the envelope, but that's up to you i guess.
more nonsense to follow soonest. for a start, i have the images (and video) of not one, certainly not three, nowhere near five but two train journeys to post. post in the new sense of the word, of course. not the old sense.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!