i got an email from amazon today, recommending me some "hot new rock albums". to quote the mail directly :
We've noticed you like rock music, so here's a list of the hottest rock albums now available to pre-order on CD.
cool, always interested to hopefully hear some new stuff. however, here's the best screenshot i could get (cheers, Word) of what it is they recommend :

two variants of a Paul McCartney album, two variants of the offerings from the re-re-re-re-reformed Van Halen, a Bob Dylan tribute album and a new one from Meat Loaf. oh, and two presumably "new" bands tagged on the end.
nothing wrong with any of the artists listed, but in the majority of cases they are hardly "new" are they? i am surprised they did not suggest i check out the new Ringo Starr album too.
what's going on? is there really that much of a lack of new, interesting rock acts that the old guard get to hog the limelight? or is it just that the "older" acts still sell CDs, whereas the new ones sell these cheap "download" things to "the kids"?
it's somewhat beside the point that i personally have enjoyed very little of this "new" music that my cousin Andrew insisted i try (please, Lord, let me not hear Everything Everything or Two Door Cinema Club ever again), but i kind of assumed i would be in some minority with that?
obviously the biggest release of the year for me shall be whatever it is that The Stone Roses have signed two record deals to release, but i am always hoping something new will come along to get me interested. not so far this year, it would seem.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!