from time to time i, look you see, make reference or comment on the greatest of sexualists in the rock and roll world. occasionally this overt, sometimes covert, but never i trust spoken of in a way which could be taken as to subvert.
David Lee Roth off of Van Halen remains the supreme emperor or sexualist endeavour, of course. no one can reach his prolific standards or quality of performance. close contenders, however, include Brett Anderson out of Suede, Errol Brown off of Hot Chocolate and of course the Grecian gift that is Demis Roussos. the latter is of some relevance here, for i have partially been taken to task for not numbering he who many see as "the American Grecian" in such lists; Barry White.
yes, as you can see ever so clearly in Commodore 64 mode above, Barry White came to my thinking when Vintage TV elected to show a smart video of him. the smartness of the video relied predominantly yet not exclusively on the absolute boss jacket Barry had on as he performed.
it dazzled me, it did, to be sure. normally in terms of the branding associated with Barry one only ever saw him perform in a shiny white suit. although for some reason i suspect once or twice he was pictured in a dapper light blue yet still shiny suit too.
should Barry have worn this jacket a good deal more often then there is every chance that his position on the prolific sexualists of rock and roll chart would have been significantly higher. as in, yes, possibly top five. his ranking, which is within the business end of the top twenty, is perfectly respectable. it is just a shame to see that he had the capability, power and indeed potential to be even more upwards of the business end.
Barry White was very heavily marketed as, and i know this because i said it above, "the American Grecian". the idea was to wrestle back some of the Demis Roussos market from Greece with their own spectacular modern day adonis. the venture was a partial success, but at cost to Barry's ranking as a prolific sexualist in terms of individuality.
quite like Demis, Barry's approach was always positive, happy and clearly uplifting in focus. this is of course fantastic, but only so far. some of the ladies quite like the moody, sombre, arty side of gents. with that being absent, Barry lost important ranking positions to the gentlemen of rock who capitalised on this moody posing. examples are Dave Gahan out of Depeche Mode, Jim Morrison out of The Doors and Michael Hutchence out of INXS.
but what of the Spiros view on Barry White, you ask? well, it's interesting. many, many people over the years have assumed that my chum Spiros is a right massive Barry White fan, based purely on him having a hairstyle normally perceived as being based on the Barry White style.
this is not the case at all, i am rather reluctant to say. whereas Spiros acknowledges that Barry White existed, he has always been sort of on the fence with him. so far as i know Spiros does not own any recordings of Barry White, unless Barry White had an uncredited guest performance on certain albums off of REO Speedwagon.
no, that is not Barry White out of his jacket, that is indeed actually Spiros getting ready to sing. whilst dancing is the chosen method by which Spiros shows his love of music from time to time he likes to sing too.
and just what does he sing? in most instances he will give a lucky audience his own personal interpretation of Strangers In The Night, as in the song made so popular and famous by Mr Sinatra. he has a tendency, however, to change the lyrics to pay tribute to those no longer with us, very much in a Candle In The Wind style. usually just more thoughtful, however.
man, i would love to own a jacket like that. in my dreams i would wear such a jacket with a shirt like the one what Mani wore in the celebrated Primal Scream Riot City Blues dvd.
what's holding me back, or otherwise restraining, me from such a splendid jacket? as with virtually every instance of someone being held back from something, money. i can ill afford such a jacket. the trick is, of course, that each of us complains about how we would do something if only we had the money, and yet when we get it we get distracted and do something else instead.
also, frankly, it is not like me or my name are consider bywords or even metaphors for sartorial elegance, now, is it? someone such as i wearing such a splendid jacket as this would be seen, i suspect, as a great waste.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!