Thursday, August 17, 2017

it's confusing these days


there are many, many wonderful people out there who would, look you see, suggest that i would be of cheek in highlighting the typing errors of others. actually pretty brazen and explicit in the accusation of me doing so being cheeky.

editing, or if you like proof-reading, this blog has never been a strong point of mine. i, to be sure, get an idea, hammer it out, then post it. that said, as this is all free and easy access, i suppose you could write that off as one getting what they paid for.

in matters of professional writing i am, but of course, far more concentrated in my efforts. i even re-read that which i am paid to write, and edit too. so it is unlikely, if we assume that nothing is impossible, that i would allow an email of this nature to be sent out by my fair hand of flair.

ok Zavvi, i give up. is it 3 discs for £30, which sounds so-so, or is it in fact 5 discs for £30, which is not at all bad a deal and very much in accordance with what the HMV would offer me.

was it not within the much quoted Monty Python And The Holy Grail where the one monk or similar got confused between 3 and 5? when reading the scripture in respect of how the most righteous Holy Handgrenade worked? if so, class in film, but a bit impractical to work with as a business venture.

i waited a few days before posting this, no follow-up email came off of our out of Zavvi, saying sorry for the mistake and giving details of the correct detail. as such i assumed the worse for consumer deal, as in 3 for £30, was the one they were sticking with. so no i did not click further.

should something be important, and few things are seldom as important as coins of money related matters, then you may wish to take the time to check it all over.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!