hello there
well, if you have stumbled upon or actively sought this post out it is probably the case, look you see, that you have some form of interest in attaining immortality. everyone must have some goal or dream to seek, to be sure, and it is not for me to cast a sense of doubt over such of others. i would, however, suggest you think carefully about obtaining this. all and everyone would want more time, but to have all might be problematic.
on this day of all days, then, we look at ways which might grant such to you. and do please note the emphasis via italics on the "might" aspect, for there is no comprehensive, conclusive or even slight evidence that either, both or a combination of these thereof would attain it. but, you never know what's hanging until it drops.
as good a conduit as any for seeking immortality in the form of a chalice and/or a bracelet is The King, Elvis Presley. and so this is precisely what i shall do, if you are still reading and have not pressed on the links for that most revered name of The King, Elvis Presley.
the above is the chalice i speak of, although it has incorrectly been referred to as a "mug" on the packaging. as if The King, Elvis Presley would appear on something so common as a mug that a brickie or labourer or educational book editor in America would use.
as you can undoubtedly see in the glory of Commodore 64 mode, this special presentation set features the chalice and a saucer / coaster thing upon which it would be right and proper to place the chalice.
would using this chalice and saucer in the correct combination grant one the generosity of The King, Elvis Presley and cede to them the gifts of immortality? i know not. thus far i have not been brave enough to contemplate an attempt to do so, let alone actually try.
bracelet? bracelet. i have edited this advert some, for if you wish to order it at the expense which it is listed that is on you and for you to find out, i do not recommend or endorse that you do. and this is irrespective of whether or not it has any powers of immortality which are certainly not listed, advertised or even suggested.
did i forward the above on to Spiros? why, yes, i did. i casually asked him how many of these bracelets he proposed to purchase and he said "all of them". so it is probably for the best that i have removed contact details, as you would just be disappointed.
am i giving consideration to purchasing one of these bracelets? not at all. beyond the fact that i really do not do jewellery, even if it does feature The King, Elvis Presley, the cost involved is a bit rich for my blood. at £149.95 plus postage, or if you like north of £149, it's just not meant to be worn by a simple commoner such as i.
once more shall we look at the image which blesses the chalice of The King, Elvis Presley? since we are all here i see no reason why not.
as wonderfully reflected in Commodore 64 mode the chalice (and the coaster / saucer aspect) feature(s) a depiction of the four known stages of His excellency The King, Elvis Presley. lovely.
well, undoubtedly you have other matters to attend to presently. let me waste no further of your time now, as such, then.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be excellent to each other!!!