Thursday, March 06, 2008

New Zealand - they grow things there

hey everyone

more images have arrived from the land they call New Zealand. it seems that Gillian (and possibly Grant) have established that one can grow "things" in New Zealand, or at least one can attempt to grow things there. i would have thought that this would be somewhat obvious, mindful of the numerous images of trees and grass, not to mention the odd flower, in the background of Grant's many impressive sheep pictures, but who am i to rain on their parade of celebration?

more on this "growing" business later; first it is time for some class pictures of "the kids" - the children who, i am delighted to say, do not appear to be being hurled down a slide by their incognito mother in these images.

here is Daniel, very much in his walker and very much in the garden!!

he looks safe from Katie pushing him around in it at least, which is possibly why he is so happy looking. or he could just be in love with the camera and is delighted to pose, unlike his cousin James!!

that said, his location in the garden begs the question of how exactly he got there. i suspect Katie might have pushed him into a corner in the garden, and the expression on his face in this pic is either excited joy, or it is one of fear and concern as Katie might be heading towards him to start pushing again.....

heading towards this "growing" business, it would seem that Gillian and Grant have enlisted Katie in this rather ambitious scheme of theirs, as here she is watering away. nice to see that Katie takes the approach of putting the water on the plants and "things", when James does this more often than not the water ends up mostly all over him, or whichever animal happens to dare to walk near him!!

now this picture is very interesting indeed - the untrained eye may not pick this up, but here Katie clearly has a Norman Henry Ricketts "what?" look about her as she turns to see the camera and wonders what all the fuss is about!!!

and finally, the area that Gillian (and possibly Grant) have set aside to grow things in. i have no doubt that Grant's visiting father was roped in to the construction of this!!! the more observant of you will note that they appear to have shovels in New Zealand too, unless the contraption pictured was imported by Grant along with his beloved boat......

now, i am no expert, but in all the areas of soil enclosed by wood i have seen in my life, this has to rank as one of the finest. i trust that you all agree with this view; and, if you are in a position to do so, why not send a congratulatory or celebratory message to Gillian and Grant on the fine work to construct it?

as for what they will grow in it, well, if i recall the email, they are not all that certain at this stage yet. i am trying to find some sort of book or guide for Grant called 'Things That You Can Grow In A New Zealand Garden That Act As A Class Magnet For Sheep' but, alas, no horticulturally inclined sheep enthusiast appears to have published such a work. perhaps Grant could create a market for such a publication with his work in this area?????

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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