Monday, January 07, 2013

new year new bag

hi there

oh dear, i am not so sure about the title of this post - i may by accident attract the more fashionista type here. not that there's a problem with that - all are very welcome, but they might be a touch disappointed.

after a few weeks at home (and indeed at verk as you saw) it was time for the boys to make their merry way back to daycare. James' "big" school only opens in a week or so, thus he gets to hang with his beloved brother for a bit.

we tend to have fears around taking them back after a break, what with them getting into a routine of having both Mummy and Daddy around. fortunately, however, they both really love school, and so there's rarely if ever an issue with going there!

William was particularly pleased to be going as he had a nice, shiny new bag to show off!

yes, that is the back of it that William is showing off! i tried to get an "action shot" of the boys walking out, but they are on full "happy to pose for the camera" mode at present! i did however manage to persuade William to turn the bag around for the picture - which, as you can see, led to him stopping and staring at the magnificence of it!

yep, these pictures were alas taken with my limited blueberry camera phone thing, so apologies for the rather poor quality. if you can't make it out, that's The Avengers (US version, no bowler hats or kinky boots) on the front. he's rather proud of the bad, and rightly so. one can only hope that this means he will look after it!

i will try and do some proper pics with a proper camera eventually!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!