well, leaving aside for the moment the usual apologies for the delay in updates, today saw the return of the majority of the workforce in this part of the world. this means, of course, that traffic is back up to high volumes on a morning and afternoon.
it also means that when certain drivers do distinctly twatesque things the subsequent traffic jams are a good deal longer in physical length and time.
ladies and gents, we have the first twat of the year causing chaos. whether they ran out of fuel, were too heavy for the incline or are just driving a bad truck doesn't matter, any of those scenarios makes the driver a twat.
the traffic jam caused was not as bad as it could have been, i suppose, but when one considers that it did not need to be there at all actually it was that bad.
in an ideal world there will not be too many posts of this nature this year. i suspect, sadly, that this will rather turn out to be the first of quite a few.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!