i figured why not, well, indeed, and why not, look you see. as some of you do, to be sure, quite like using my blog for their calendar purposes on any given month, i thought it might be quite nice to post the monthly calendar images a bit early this time, so as to give you a decent chance of planning with it.
something of a change is, however, being made here. for no good reason whatsoever other than to provoke a degree of unnecessary controversy, i am not going to show off the 12p (or whatever it was) Minecraft calendar. yes, keeping you on your toes and all that good stuff.
let us trouble ourselves with what calendars i am showing then, since i would imagine or otherwise assume you are quite keen to get planning your November. here we go, then, with the November one off of the Star Wars Episode VIII : Battlestar Galactica "official" calendar. as bought off Sports Direct, from that nice Mr Ashley (not directly), for 50p.
yes, indeed, that is Poe. of the many wasted opportunities and senseless rubbish what was hastily cobbled together and called Star Wars The Last Jedi, the wanton trashing of Poe was of the worst. he and that Finn lad were set up as really smart characters in Star Wars Episode VII : Mission To Moscow, taking the best of the likes of Lando, Han and that fake orphan nancy boy farmer whose name escapes me and forming them into two new smart characters for a whole new generation of fans. all of that got undone, ruthlessly so, in VIII, making the pair of them some dull, boring bumbling clods.
no, absolutely no idea why Disney paid an awful lot of money to own Star Wars and then decided to just release any old rubbish with the name on, confident that money would always be made. but, it is their train set now. just a shame that they could not give it the same quality treatment as what they have done with all them Marvel super hero films, them what seem to get better and better.
how about a nice flashback to the calendar i was using earlier in the year, the Babes one, just to cement the controversial nature of the calendar post this month? certainly.
as you can see quite clearly in the above, presented in the glory and the greater good of Commodore 64 mode, the lady ("babe") posing for this image has been a bit of a silly billy, for she has lots of sand stuck to her backside. perhaps she should have worn a bit more of a practical bottom half of the body covering garment, or maybe sat upon a towel.
well, anyway, there you have it. once again in my view you are probably better off getting a calendar of your own, but thank you for making my blog the preferred choice for all your calendar information requirements.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!