Friday, November 16, 2018

use a pencil


i am one of those "old school", or if you like no-nonsense types who prefers to send an actual, physical greetings card to those celebrating certain events, look you see. mostly this would, of course, be all a kind of birthday thing, but Christmas and other such events too.

many these days simply use technology to do this. it could be in the form of a "text message", or one of them social media platform things. in truth i use the same too, when distance, locale and a lack of address mean i cannot send a card, but when i can send one, i do.

a great fear i have in this is missing out on someone's special day. it makes me feel sad, and guilty, whenever i do. fortune has somewhat smiled on me with this in mind, then. the two great things what begin with the letter P in our world - Poundland and pencils - come together, at last, or finally, in a meaningful way.

once again, then - for it has happened before - Poundland has broken new ground with inspiration and innovation. this most splendid card is ideal. no, literally, ideal for all occasions. as you can see, the need to faff about looking for a card specific to the greeting is now eliminated; you simply tick off whatever it is you wish to wish someone on the front, and be done with it. quite time saving too.

the best part of this, or at least one of the top three best things about it, is if you mark off whatever you initially wish to wish someone on the front with a pencil. by doing this, the recipient can simply erase it as and when that particular period of celebration is over, and tick off the next relevant one, also with a pencil.

success is, of course, dependant on having a pencil. well, that and a rubber, or an "eraser" if you are American and are for some reason reading something about Poundland. as it happens, i have several pencils. since you asked, and are obviously interested, here are some of them.

do i have any particular favourite pencils? probably the One Direction, or if you will 1D ones. other than of course being a totes full on fan of Harry all the others in the band, whoever they are, all their branded stuff is going really cheap. it is inevitable that they will reunite one day; so i am stockpiling everything i see for sale with them on to cash in one day.

otherwise, the space people ones off of that Star Wars thing are smart, and the I Spotted Jimmy Hill ones that i got off of The Viz for spotting Jimmy Hill in their magnificent publication are much treasured.

just who did i get this card for exactly, and what greeting shall i initially apply the pencil to? well, it feels like i would be revealing too much if i said that it was for Chris out of the sensational Harlo gang for his birthday, so i will refrain from the details. he is a bright lad, i am sure he will work out how to rub out the tick i will place on birthday and add one on Christmas, or whatever.

how much does this fine card cost? well, there's a bit of a clue for you in the name of the proprietor that i bought it off. for the sake of clarity, however, yes, it cost £1. and, if looked after, that's £1 that will just keep on giving and giving for years and years.

to be honest i have absolutely no idea if this will all be of use or interest to anyone, but if it has been, well then there you go.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!