just one of them in many respects irresponsible posts what i do, look you see. so yes, then, to be sure, this will all concern cigarettes. let me give you the obligatory smoking is bad for you, it is very silly, don't do it, etc cautionary statement, and then suggest that you may want to look at another corner of the internet, rather than this one, should cigarettes be not your thing.
for those reading on, then, yes. once again Spiros, the greatest legal mind of his generation, has been on his travels. as a thoughtful kindness, he has picked me up some more splendid fags from lands afar, so that i may smoke them and smoke them in a way what does not bankrupt me in the face of the draconian, horridly high levels of tax whacked on them here in the UK. nice one, mate.
i am sure you can see the brand and that quite clearly in the above image, enhanced by the greater glory of Commodore 64 mode, but for clarity, indeed yes, these are called (i think) Ashima fags.
provenance of the fags? as regular readers will know, for the purposes of security and various NDA things, i cannot reveal exactly when or where Spiros is at any given time. but it is not unreasonable for any of you to reach any sort of conclusion that they are oriental in origin, at the least.
what's really lovely about these fags is, of course, the fact that it features proper, well thought out and most lovely packaging. not the generic rubbish we are forced to have here now. no, none of that for these. look at how shiny the gold is, and how splendid the pattern on the side of each packet is too.
oh yes, for those still here despite having no appreciation for the fags, please take note of the warnings about smoking being harmful, etc.
i am not sure if you can make it out, but the packaging is also classic "old school", in that it states the level of nicotine and tar (or what have you) in each one. for some reason that's missing off packaging in the UK now. anyway, these have 10mg of each, which seems like a fairly decent volume.
the luxurious packaging stretches to the inside, too. marvel at the lovely crisp (hello, Faye) golden foil which protects the cigarettes prior to one removing it so they can have a fag.
do we, i wonder, really live in a word so dumbed down that people actually believe it's lovely, shiny packaging like this what makes people smoke? i am, admittedly without seeing the evidence or research, unconvinced. but, then again, i also seriously doubt that the results of the last 3 or 4 elections around the world have come about because millions - millions - were convinced to vote in a specific way on the basis of "tweets" or "facebook posts", whatever they are, by "Russian hackers".
now, at this stage you are probably wondering whether or not we, in our part of the world, got any snow on the final Saturday of October of 2018, or October (2018) to state it Kasabian style. yes, we did.
it came, made all cold, and went. unfortunately i have no idea if this means we are in for a long, cold, snow dominated winter, or if the stuff shall now leave us be for a few months. we shall simply have to find out as we go.
the business end of fags is, of course, not so much the packaging but the actual smoking of them. let me tell you, dear reader, these Ashima fags are most splendid. no, true, not Marlboro Red, what is the bestest greatest ever cigarette to exist, but rather splendid all the same. a most pleasant taste to them, and by my word they get the job done.
you probably, in all likelihood, worked out around about the time i mentioned snow that i have not got all that much to say about the Ashima fags, except that they are smart and a very welcome gift. but i had taken quite a few pictures of them, as you can see, and so feel obliged to put some writing around them for you all.
did Spiros deliberately pick them out as he knew they would be quite class? yes, of course. assuming that the retailer knew he wanted to do this, and so simply placed them as the cheapest nearest to the till for Spiros to grab and buy in a hurry as he went to get on (or in) his plane.
the rather elegant packaging of these fags extends to the fags themselves, as you can see. what a lovely blue pattern they have on the filter bit.
what does it say on the fags? at a guess, that would be Chinese or some other such language what has similar characters for "Ashima". or maybe it says "smart fags" or something like that.
no, yes, well, anyway. that's that. as ever, hopefully this has been of some interest to someone somewhere. many thanks again, Spiros!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!