Thursday, November 08, 2018

impossible lighter

now then

another brave tale of doing that which was thought that could not be done, look you see. so yes, then, for those of you who have been here before, this is indeed one of them incidents where i have left an item of some consequence in the pocket of some clothing, and the intrepid item has survived both trial by washing machine and trial by tumble dryer.

in this instance, and i would rather suspect the title has given this away, it was a cigarette lighter. well, a lighter, i suppose. the current social climate means that there are many, many wonderful reasons - some of them perfectly legal - to have a lighter as such, but using one to spark into flame a cigarette tends to be one of the least popular applications.

should this lighter look a bit different from the normal ones i have, well, you are not wrong. quite recently i was caught without one, and so had to spend some 79p or 89p on a single "prestige" lighter out of the posh shops, rather than using one from a packet of 4, 5 or 6 that i had purchased from Poundland for £1. not, of course, that Poundland isn't posh; they simply don't go around slamming posh prices on things.

for what reason do i keep putting things like cigarette lighters through tough and demanding trials by things such as washing machines and tumble dryers? well, i can assure you it is not deliberate. quite absent minded of me, really. usually i do check trousers, and them fancy shirts what have pockets, before i place items in the wash. on this instance, however, i clearly failed to do so.

at this stage you are probably looking for some evidence that the lighter works. sorry, i can't show any evidence of it going through the wash or tumble dryer, for i had no idea it was in there. but it still working, yes, i can do that. in the form of one of them Commodore 64 "GIF" things. quite a splendid one, too.

i reckon that this lighter must have been made out of that dead expensive stuff what underwater welding equipment is made out of. at least i assume it is expensive, it certainly sounds it. whilst my view is one of that it is probably better to weld the stuff before you submerge it in a body of water, yes, indeed, a career which i always wanted but never got to pursue (thus far) was that of being an underwater welder. it just sounds really smart, and would impress people when i told them that i did it.

well, anyway, i have quite probably exhausted all points of interest concerning this adventure. let me head off to the next one, then. one which, hopefully, will not see me expose a combustible, flammable device to pressure and heat, even if i did get away with it this time around.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!