Saturday, November 10, 2018

wrestling with concepts

hi there

not a great deal in truth, to be sure. i am just checking in, look you see, to say that yes, so far as i am aware i am still around.

lately i have been busy wrestling with a concept. several, actually, hence the plural title, but one in particular i thought i would share with you. the sorites paradox, since you ask. yes, if trying to pronounce that gives you a headache, you may want to try reading about it, and then thinking on the matter.

oh, no, picture above is nothing to do with the sorites paradox or similar, and so far as i am aware nothing i have been wrestling with. just a nice image (i think) of my (considerably) better half and i, in the greater glory and splendid ways of Commodore 64 mode.

well, anyway, time for me to provoke some more headaches by having a think about this business. should you wish to experience similar or the same, here you go, here is a link to it all. see what you make of it.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!