hello there
a recurring factor in modern day life, to be sure, is the dismissal of certain news reports as being "fake news". i have, look you see, commented in the past about how many - frighteningly so - are seemingly intent on the simplistic approach of describing anything they happen to disagree with, or just not like, as being this "fake news", no matter what validity the story actually has.
much of the flaws perceived to be in the world today - and this is not a dig at "snowflakes" or "millennials" or such, for we are all guilty - comes down to our apparently all of a sudden inability to accept things don't always go the way we want. could we but just do this once more and move on, well, who knows, maybe everything would seem a little less chaotic.
but, in addressing "fake news", a reality is that it has existed since, well, ever since the first ever news story was told, whenever that was. all forms of reporting, relaying information and what have you are subjective. one really only considers a news source to be objective when they happen to find one that says what they really like to hear.
for me, then, the "most objective" news outlet on the go at the moment would appear to be the Sunday Sport. they are flawless crusaders, reporting on whatever story they so wish and not caring that the rest of the newspapers, periodicals and so forth turn a blind eye to it all.
like, for instance, the story above, taken from the 21 October edition. that's of 2018, future readers. it is the tragic tale of Hilda Hughes, the hero we do not deserve but the one we need. the courage and bravery she showed in setting up secret cameras in a shower led to her stumbling on a Russian plot to start a war, or something. it is truly sad to read how any minor criminal action she may have inadvertently taken is not being overlooked for the greater good.
this is but one of several stories what the Sunday Sport bring to the attention of the public, no matter how much the rest of the media here in the UK elect to ignore, or perhaps suppress, them. it is usual that nearly every single page of any given edition covers stories that the likes of the Guardian, the Telegraph and what have you just run away from.
like, for instance, this one above. or below, if for some reason your display screen has formatted this text so that it does not appear how it should. no, i had no idea that Boris "BoJo" Johnson had a secret twin brother, but i would imagine that is where the secret part is. so much of a secret, in fact, that not even Boris himself appears aware that this is the case.
what's admirable here is that the Sunday Sport does not exploit this knowledge for the sake of it. they clearly take a genuine interest in this "secret twin", and are happy to share with their readers the plight this poor chap faces. it was with nothing but sadness that i read of his current predicament, being either banned or simply snubbed from what sounds like a truly wonderful social gathering.
speaking of institutions such as BoJo, the Monarchy. a quite vocal, opinionated minority seem to think the idea of a Queen, indeed a Royal Family, is outdated, and it should be scrapped. what they crave is a movement away from stability and tradition, and a move towards the exciting chaos of an elected Head of State. just picture how wonderful a President Blair, for instance, or President Thatcher would have been.
it is splendid, then, when one reads of one so committed and loyal to the monarchy that they are prepared to make any such personal sacrifice asked of them for the greater good of this institution. this young lady shall, and there can be no doubt, feature prominently on the Queen's New Years Honours List in just a couple of months or so. actually a month and a bit. oh, but if only so many more of us would be prepared to make such a great sacrifice then this place would be a good deal better.
my advice to you would be to simply find a news source you like, stick with it, and get on with things. shouting, fighting and arguing with news stories you do not like does not change them, and does no one any particularly great favour.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!