Sunday, November 18, 2018

of cactus and argan

hello once more

perhaps it is just me, look you see, but it feels like quite some time since i gave any focus here to my decisions (or choices) concerning hair care. a bold, stark opening statement, perhaps, but one which all the same tells you more or less what to expect with the rest of this post.

a frontier has been pushed, ladies and gentlemen. i have made a decision and taken a course of action which i always thought would be quite unlikely. yes, to warn you, it is that threshold crossed - i have spent a sum in excess, or if you like north of, £1 on a single hair care product. not much more, mind, but over that seemingly fixed maximum costing.

this decision of mine will, presumably if you are still reading, have gotten you all interested and excited. so, let me not draw out the tale any longer than absolutely required.

of the two haircare items shown quite clearly above in Commodore 64 mode it is the hair gel what i spent more than £1 on. in a very real sense substantially north of £1. well, it cost £1.50. normally (usually) the money i spend on either shampoo or gel must be equal to £1 in cost or, ideally, south of that.

no, i had no intention of deliberately spending so much. something of an impulse purchase, perhaps, for when i was in the store looking at it - Tesco, i believe - the idea of having cactus extract in a haircare product struck me as being very exciting and quite desirable. why this would be so is something of a mystery. perhaps it is better to leave it as just being the case.

yes, that is indeed Iceman out of Top Gun, along with the one what is not Maverick or Goose or Iceman out of Top Gun. i think he was some sort of assistant or second fiddle to Iceman, no idea what his name is and i am not inclined to waste valuable internet looking for it.

at no stage in my life, at least post, when was it, 85 or 86, has anyone ever made the comment that my hair looks as smart as what Iceman out of Top Gun did. this is something i now consider to be a gap in my life which i very much want to be filled. now, i have no proof or evidence that the trick to having hair as smart as what Iceman out of Top Gun had is using products what have cactus extract in them, but surely it is worth a go. everything about Val Kilmer (he who portrayed Iceman out of  Top Gun), after all, says that he is a man who has a strong affinity for using products what have been blessed with or otherwise touched by cactus.

shampoo is not usually a debate for me. i generally seek out (for £1 or less) any such shampoo what has lemon in it, for that is what Jason Donovan uses. failing lemon - and so few manufacturers use it in shampoo these days - i look for any citrus based one. not so in this instance, unless argan turns out to be something of a citrus nature. i simply don't know.

there were a number of factors which led to me selecting this particular shampoo. the most obvious was that it has argan oil extract (whatever that is) in it. but not just any argan oil extract, i will have you know. it features Moroccan argan oil extract. this i have concluded must be the very best of argan to use the oil of, otherwise why state it in such a brazen way on the packaging?

in truth, the argan aspect was of secondary appeal. yes, indeed, the long, squeeze powered tube packaging turned out to be the most prominent point of appeal. for too long i have relied on regular, somewhat conventional bottle shaped receptacles to draw my required shampoo from. why not, i say, have a go at a different approach? yolo is, i believe, the relevant expression.

will this shampoo - resplendent with (Moroccan) argan oil extract and in a tube - make my hair quite so beautiful and precious as either of the two celebrated lovers whose coming to terms with their feelings (longings, perhaps) for each other was the focal point of the romantic comedy Rocky III? i have absolutely no idea, but if i don't have a go i never will know, now, will i?

such a lovely scene, that one above, rewarding the audience for the emotional investment they have made in the motion picture. yes, indeed, looking at the above, i have often considered "working out" a bit so that my backside, or if you will posterior, can be so handsomely toned as what Apollo's is in the above picture. solid, firm perfection that is. i bet you could bounce a 50p coin off that, all day, every day. or a "quarter" if you are one of them Americans.

any regrets about how much i have spent on these haircare products of quality and distinction? not immediately so, no. should the cactus extract one see people compare me - favourably - to Iceman out of Top Gun, then it might well be that yet further such expenditure is given consideration.

just because i cannot think of a single good reason why someone would consult this blog for guidance or ideas on haircare products does not mean it doesn't happen. if, as point of fact, it has happened and you have taken something of value from all of this, most happy day.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!