Thursday, February 04, 2010

Me greeting Yureshan Cooper

hey everyone

a week or so ago, right, my computer at verk blew up or something. at a loose end for a couple of hours whilst the IT guys fixed it, or whatever the hell it is they do with them, i had a little walk around.

i decided to greet a colleague of mine, Mr Yureshan Cooper, and for a change hang around and express something close to a genuine interest in his answer.

this was something of a profound moment for Mr Cooper, as he apparently holds that memory dear. dear enough, in fact, to request that we recreate the moment so that he could have a picture of it.

here, then, it is.

i am not sure if the clothing is exact, but otherwise it's probably all how he remembered it.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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