Friday, July 11, 2008

Conan returns?

now this is interesting....

no director and no cast has yet been given for this new Conan film, and yet somehow they have a poster for it! they would also seem to have a release date in mind, although "2009" covers any one of 365 days that they intend to show it i guess.

the only problem i have with the Arnie Conan films from the 80's is that they only made two of them. they were most excellent fun movies, so i am delighted to see that the character, if not the actor, will return. as long as they do not make it on the cheap, of course.....

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dana said...

According to IMDB ( there are already a few writers working on this, but no script! They have several producers as well, which is a good start, because I don't see how they are going to make a film in such a short time otherwise.

I wouldn't count on it for quality...