Sunday, April 27, 2008


well, as you can see here, James and his Grandad are eagerly checking this site to see if there are any updates! Richard tells me i have been rather slow with updates of late - my apologies for people who have been checking in expecting something and have gotten nothing, then!

there's nothing sinister or untoward in the lack of updates; in fact i was unaware that it had been a while since i posted. it's all probably a combination of being busy, being lazy and, um, not having all that much in the way of updates to share of late!!

we were, however, over at Grandma and Grandad for lunch today, along with Richard, Erika and Lyla. that means there are some pictures to put up here at the least!! yes, like this picture - i don't think they were actually checking to see if i had done any updates, but one can live in a vain hope that they were!!

meanwhile, for those of you who have not seen it anywhere else yet, and that cannot be many people, here's the latest poster for The Dark Knight!

with so much emphasis on the character of The Joker, before and after Heath's sad passing from this world, it's almost weird to see Batman himself in one of the posters!

meanwhile, it seems that they are up to another class interwebnet game thingie with The Dark Knight. clicking here will take you to an interesting site, with a countdown (in days) and all sorts of "hidden" buttons. will this at last be the next trailer?

right, let me get some of these pics uploaded then!!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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