Thursday, September 21, 2017

how about some orange


yet again just one of them distraction posts, look you see.

recently i was holding my phone what has a camera welded on it at what, to be sure, turned out to be a most peculiar angle. the peculiar way of this came to my attention when i sensed, or saw, from the corner of my eye a bright light. this, i concluded, was the flash.

evidently i had pressed or if you like depressed the button on the back of the phone which allows one to take forward facing images. selfies, if you like. but this was not a selfie as such.

above is the image what was taken, then. it just struck me as being somewhat interesting shades of orange reflected in it. an almost immediate thought was, then, to share it here so that the people who are interested in such may see.

what exactly is it a picture of? not sure. there is every chance that this is a close up of one of my fingers, or perhaps even the palm of my hand that was holding the phone. also, considering where i was when this all happened, it might be a lightbulb direct, or light in closeness via the lampshade.

should this orange shading be of any particular interest or practical use to someone, well then that's a happy accident. perhaps it shows that all things in this world, in this life, happen for a reason.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!