and so September isn't so much almost here as it is here, then. usually, look you see, i would pretty much put anything here on the first of the month to just show i am still around. this time it is a bit different, to be sure, as it's something i am quietly confident that a lot of you will find of interest.
the term "back by popular demand" is misleading. sure, we the people being enthusiastic about something generally tends to inspire those in a position to do so to sell it to us. they would not do such, however, unless enormous profit could be extracted from our coins of money.
examples are everywhere. the most famous, perhaps infamous, is the "New Coke / Classic Coke" debacle in America during the 80s. certain chocolate confectioneries - i think Wispa was a lead example - are "brought back" as marketing channels. we get Rolling Stones tours and Star Wars films because they make large money off of the back of the demand. we don't get Sammy Hagar tours or Police Academy films for there is no amount of coin to be had.
in getting to the point, or if you so like a point of sorts, with all of the above in mind i was quite delighted to see a certain item to buy back on the shelf of the retail world.....
oh for sure, indeed, yes. quite. as you can surely see in the glory of Commodore 64 mode above them there people at Colgate have elected to bring back the range of toothpaste what has love beads shoved in it. this is after it has been absent for north of a year, with my correspondence to Colgate suggesting they had elected to discontinue this range.
for those unaware of my plight, my Dad is quite the connoisseur of toothpaste. he considers this to be the very finest in the world. they didn't, alas, ever sell it in his chosen corner of the world, and so for the better part of half a decade it has been my solemn quest to get it for him and send it on.
those colourful words above link to just some of several posts i've done on this subject before. do feel free to search this blog should you want to read all of them. doing so will, undoubtedly, tell you all that you could possibly wish to know of the immense benefits of shoving love beads into toothpaste.
if you have had a look at the historical posts relating to love bead toothpaste you will note, if not observe, that it has come back not quite so as it once was. the colour of the packet is now a lighter blue, and but of course the packets (tubes, maybe) have gotten smaller. these days everything seems to be "less is more", with products being reduced in size and yet costing the same or more. wagon wheels, once the most massive thing you could eat, are now barely bite size.
has the quality of toothpaste what has love beads shoved into it changed, though? i mean, is there a change to the texture, taste or cleaning performance? i know not. to be honest i have not tried the stuff. guilt prohibits me. every tube of toothpaste with love beads shoved in it would be one that i have not sent to my Dad, who so cherishes the stuff.
the reintroduction of love bead toothpaste has been accompanied by a most attractive special offer. which is to say that it has, presumably initially, been put out for sale at a not unreasonable price. how much? these four tubes were purchased off of Tesco for, and look away Dad as it was a gift, £3 for two tubes, brining the net total to £6 for four.
purchasing the toothpaste what has got love beads shoved in it for reasons beyond my comprehension is, of course, merely phase one of the quest for me. the next step is to wrap the stuff in cling film.
should for some reason you want further reading on the art of wrapping toothpaste, love bead loaded or otherwise, in cling film, then the words in colour are your friend with yet another link to yet another post from the past. as opposed to a future post what i have not done yet.
wrapping the toothpaste in cling film is a gesture towards ensuring their safe passage, or if you like a means to make certain they arrive at their intended destination in as close to perfection condition as possible. one would not wish to see the embossed packaging unnecessarily scuffed by either the packaging used to send them or by the brutal approach postal services take towards sorting mail.
many of you, clever as you are, will have noted something interesting and exciting in the background of a couple of the pictures above. i am delighted to confirm that yes, that is indeed a One Direction branded bag you can surely see.
provenance of the One Direction bag? Poundland. it was reduced, with the price being 50% of the standard Poundland pricing, or if you like 50p instead of £1. no, i did not particularly need it, but it was 50p and i have every confidence that it will be of benefit and use at some stage of my life.
briefly i gave consideration to sending this to my Dad, and indeed to another friend in another part of the world. economics intervened. and common sense. the cost of sending this item would be several thousand (ish) percent of the cost of it, and it is highly unlikely that either or any proposed recipient would be all that enamoured with it.
let me assume, if not presume, that some of you would quite like to see the love bead toothpaste fully enclosed within cling film. in situ, if you like, i guess. let me waste no time in showing such a splendid image.
exactly how much does it cost a chap to send four tubes of toothpaste with love beads in it to the other side of the world, or if you like Aotearoa? quite a bit. i don't remember the specifics, but it is north of £10; as point of fact i think north of twice the cost invested in the toothpaste itself.
but, you know, not all or everything should be measured in a fiscal sense. in many, indeed all, respects the cost involved in getting and sending it is truly insignificant in the face of how delighted he is to be able to have this toothpaste once more.
my Dad has, over the years and after all, scoured the earth to get me things what i like. it does the heart and mind good, more good than money could ever achieve (as nice as money is), to be able to do so similar in return.
oh yes, by special request the above is indeed my Dad. he agreed to send on a picture of him expressing his delight at having toothpaste with love beads shove in it once again. many thanks!
every dream has a price, however. whilst shopping and spotting this returning toothpaste we were unable to see our preferred brand. there was no "max fresh with cooling crystals" to be found. perhaps Colgate has elected to banish that as punishment to those of us who use it. or maybe they were just out of stock. but, that said, many thanks indeed to Colgate for making my Dad's life all the better by bringing this brand back.
time and again in posts about toothpaste what has got love beads shoved in it i have speculated that it might be the "last ever" time that i visit the subject. let me not be so foolish or make such a rush to judgement again, then. it is quite possible that the topic will feature once again. until such an incident, or at least until the next post here,then......
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!