so another one of them posts that, look you see, i probably should not do. whilst some questions might be asked, and indeed debate rise, from some of the facts and figures waved around to say that smoking is bad for you it surely must be undeniable that it is bad for you. and to an extent others around, which is why you should do it removed from society.
if for some reason you are considering embracing the life of a smoker i would say do not. were it so that you currently are a smoker then the best advice is to seek all the help, support and means that you can to quit.
right, then, with what i believe to be fair and reasonable qualification in place, on we go - should you continue to read - with the very latest exploits i have for you in respect of fags from the world.
my good chum Sprios has once again been called to other corners of the world. as the many fans of his ways will know he is considered to be the greatest legal mind of his generation. this means he is requested to be present in parts of the planet so he may give, for a considerable fee, others the benefit of his wisdom, his knowledge, his insights and his abilities.
as and when he does so he, as a great act of kindness, purchases me some fags. he is quite aware of the fact that i am something of a hopeless, pathetic addict and that the price of cigarettes in the UK is brutal and harsh. further kindness comes in that he likes to get me Marlboro, knowing that they are the "Rolls Royce", or if you like (and even better) the "David Lee Roth" of fags. whilst i appreciate this i have made it clear that basically any such fags would do, and the cheapest on offer are very welcome indeed.
which i how i have come to know of an African brand of cigarette called Sportsman.
no, i had not heard of this Sportsman brand of cigarettes at all before. just goes to show, then, that no one really knows everything. my (considerably) better half, who is very wise, had also not heard of them, but did observe that the packaging would appear to be echoing that which exists, or existed, for the rather more well known Camel brand of fags.
the provenance of these cigarettes is, from what i recall on the packaging, Kenya. not that Spiros was there, at least not in any official way that you can prove. out of politeness Spiros usually refrains from telling me the price paid for such gifts, but in this instance he said that the carton of ten packets, or if you like 200 fags, worked out at "about" £8. it is hard to say definitively as currency valuations fluctuate so. and i would decline to comment on the question of whether or not any of the stuff what Spiros does in any way has bearing on such fluctuations.
considering that the very cheapest (legal) packet of fags you can buy (one pack of 20) in the UK is exactly £7.35 at time of writing, that just shows how smokers are punished with tax here. think about that. if they somehow did succeed in getting all people in the country to stop, that is one huge massive hole in the tax revenue.
what, or rather who, is that? i am not sure as Spiros did not tell me. i just had to conceal his identity before adding this here, and indeed do my best to disguise the frankly obscene tattoo he had on his arm.
from what i can gather off Spiros this chap, a London black cab driver, is not one of the gentlemen with which he would care to form a short term yet mutually beneficial friendship with. my understanding is that this taxi driver had a strongly worded disagreement with Spiros about the recent "ban" on Uber operating in London. when Spiros mentioned to him that he was rather disappointed that Uber had lost its licence the cabbie disagreed quite strongly, using some frankly coarse, crass and uncouth words to describe both Uber and people like Spiros what use (or used) the service.
now let us let them get on with the debate, although good luck to the cabbie if he persuades Spiros to give him a kung fu martial arts display. instead, let us get back to the fags.
as you can see the people what make fags to sell in Africa are, thus far, free of them packaging restrictions we now have here in England, brought in at the suggestion of the Australians. quite a nice bit of branding too, really. i particularly like the faded red ink stamp of the horse emblem on the cigarette itself. a nice touch and certainly promotes brand awareness.
what's the magazine underneath the cigarettes? one what Spiros "borrowed" out of a hotel room, undoubtedly a suite of luxury, he was in. the logic would be that if i have it then they cannot ask him for it back as he no longer has it to give. in his words he believed that the magazine was "by men for men who like men", and so made an assumption that it would be the sort of thing that i would enjoy reading, or looking at the pictures in.
for me the greatest part - other than them being a gift and thus free - of these fags are that they are soft pack. i really, really like soft pack packets of cigarettes. quite American, i know and i suppose, but i am convinced that ones this way taste better. under no circumstances can you (legally) get soft pack ones here in the UK, so this is a massive plus.
just how are Sportsman cigarettes as a smoking experience? well, it might be fair to suggest they are a little coarse, but rather splendid on the whole. i don't think legally you can say cigarettes are enjoyable any more as this would be to advocate the habit, but if you indeed can then they actually are.
and, well, there we have it. many thanks again to my good chum Spiros for this exceptional act of kindness and generosity. you are, to me, like you are to so many others, a hero. should for some reason you be interested in looking at the fags of the world, well then i hope if nothing else the pictures with this post have been of interest.
EDIT - many thanks indeed for the alert to the You Tube video for an advert for these fags!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!