Wednesday, September 06, 2017

greetings from the black sea


no, no, no. no, look you see, not me. i haven't, and my goodness this is a negative laden start to a blog post, been to the Black Sea. not now, not presently, recently or indeed in the past so far as i am aware.

Spiros, however, has. yes, dear reader, that Spiros. well, he is a thoroughly well travelled man, with him being a chap who does not see borders as a barrier to going off to meet men with which he may form a short term but mutually beneficial friendship with.

in order, or if you will so as, to celebrate this voyage to the Black Sea that he has made Spiros was kind enough to pick up a postcard and send it on to me.

my preferred Commodore 64 mode for pictures has been a trifle absent of late. i considered it to be entirely appropriate to return to this medium for that first glance at the postcard.

but of course the postcard is of, as you can so clearly see above, a rather muscular gent; one who has taken the time and trouble to remove items of clothing so as to allow us to inspect and admire such muscular ways.

i cannot see the circumstances in which this may be so, but all the same it would be quite foolish of me to ignore the prospect that some of you may want to inspect the greetings from the Black Sea in a decidedly non Commodore 64 mode. if so, well then.

do i harbour any intentions to go to the Black Sea myself? not in any sort of formal or explicit way. i mean it might be nice for me to go along with Spiros one of these days. perhaps i could take a book with me, so that i may occupy myself with reading it as he goes gallivanting off in search of sailors and such to be friends with.

given the choice, though, i would totes head towards the Aegean. mindful that the Black Sea can say the same, i am just intrigued by the idea of standing by the body of water which has drank so much of our history.

both are possible, i suppose. there's only some 600 miles between the two, with Turkey kind of half way in between. we shall see.

anyway, my thanks indeed to Spiros for being so thoughtful with this splendid postcard. i shall see if i can purchase or perhaps make a suitable card to reciprocate with.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!