Thursday, November 04, 2010

11 months old.......

hey everyone

well, a few days ago William turned the ripe old age of 11 months, so i thought it was as good a reason as any, where no reason is needed, to take some update pictures so you could see how he is getting along!

i thought i would be clever and wait until bathtime to snap away, figuring the light would be good enough so as i would not need to use the flash. i was, alas, not as correct as i could have been in this assumption - apologies (if required) if these images seem a little bit dark compared to usual!

the toothbrush he is holding on to there is currently the best thing that William owns, according to William. once we give it to him there's no way on earth or beyond that he is giving it back to us, so Michele is very careful only to let him loose with it at bedtime! i guess it does mean that his three and one-quarter teeth are being very well looked after!

as for development, well, we are just about mastering one or two words ("cat" and "gone" are his top two), and he rather likes the idea of walking - what he lacks in skill and ability in this regard he does make up for in enthusiasm! never mind, i am sure before long he'll be walking and running all day and as much of the night as he can stay awake for!

we can eventually get the toothbrush off him, but he rarely looks happy about it!

well, what else can i say? William is healthy and happy, and we are delighted that he is with us!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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