Tuesday, May 23, 2023

prime saturation point

hello there

i appreciate this post is very much one of no need. but then, i suppose, all that i bother to put here could be spoken of the same, look you see. no matter, i press on. 

as to why this one likely needs not to be, it's all to do with that darned "prime" drink. you know, the one off of them kids what do the videos and that on the internet, but also i think at least one of them routinely does that thing where you can end up with your head kicked in, kickboxing or something. 

this drink caused quite a fuss when it was first launched, what with shortages and quasi riots at shops which had the temerity, bravery and nerve to stock it. mostly those what did buy it at a retail price (so i am led to believe) of £2 or so just tried to sell it on for considerable profit. like, for instance, all them suspicious shops down at Piccadilly Circus, London (init) what had mountains of the stuff yet seemed unable to shift it at £12 (!) a go. 

most, if not all, of the fuss appears to have died down now. either everyone got bored of trying to get it without being ripped off (not easy), or people actually tasted it and it possibly occurred to them that it's not too bad a drink but really, really, really (really) not worth the fuss. i base this on the fact that i was able to procure bottles of it for my sons without even trying. by that i mean it was just sat there, or at least four (4) of the variations were, in regular shops. 

for those for some reason using this as a buying guide, i picked up some at no less than W H Smith, who(m) of course were charging £2.99 a bottle. that's quite fitting for their usual pricing vs every other shop. by chance i went into a Sainsbury's and they also had it, for the not unreasonable markup price of £2.25 a bottle. with interest the staff told me they had very little interest in it, and had sold unexpectedly little, or if you are one of them types "fewer", as to what they had imagined. sill, W H Smith were selling unrestricted amounts, which meant staff off of the nearby McDonald's were buying it by the bag load, and Sainsbury's had a limit of three (3) per patron. 

no, it (the drink) in itself isn't anything spectacular. i am unaware of what it claims to be inside, other than of course "the greatest source of hydration" (which water may wish to have a word about), but it seems to be just slightly, moderately flavoured coconut water. yet, if that is so, full credit to these lads for what they gone done, for their efforts to put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up appear to be much more better than my own

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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